Wednesday, March 11, 2009


One of my fave feelings is to get in the car alone drive with all my windows down and great music on. Its one of the only ways I can get back to that feeling of being young and free with no worries. yesterday was a perfect day for cruising so i broke out my old Janes Addiction CD and hit the road.. well, really I was running errands but thats about all the time I have for hittin the road these days.. anyway, it was wonderful and I always feel refreshed after hearing a little Janes Addiction.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Learning about my body.. aka paying attention.

A few weeks ago my friend Necha told me that she is pregnant and i got so excited that I jumped up in the air and said "I love that baby!!" and when I came back down I landed in a hole my dog made in the yard and heard the loudest "CRACK!!" and then I was in a mud puddle crying for my husband who didn't hear me for like 10 minutes... The injury? a 2nd degree sprain with a snapped ligament.. not that bad, at least its not a break and I've had sprains before..... This mammajamma will not stop hurting so I asked my fave Bikram yoga instructor (Kerri Snead)what she thought about it and she said that I probably stand with most of my body weight on my right side since I'm right handed. OMG! Its true. I almost constantly stand a little crooked with all my body weight on the right leg. now that I'm noticing it and trying to correct it there are so many other things that I do to the right side.. like slumping. so I've been trying for about 3 days to stand differently and put more weight on the left foot and its amazing the difference in how i feel all over. Some of my back pain has gone away already. Geez, I should have listened to my body sooner.. what a dope.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is so nerdy.

Hi everyone!! Ok, whatever, I have a blog. I know it's nerdy but you're going to love it because I'm hilarious... and I really need one more thing to do, right?? So anyway, come visit once in a while and read my nonsense.. or don't. this may even be the only thing i ever post.. we'll see.